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7 Things Every Young Lawyer Should Know!

Writer's picture: DT Writers TeamDT Writers Team

Updated: Jul 24, 2021

Law practice is one the most prestigious professions in the world. According to Forbes, a lawyer in the U.S earns over $140,000 depending on the state they operate.

Thousands of new recruits are admitted to various bars associations annually (source) and although legal practice differs depending on country, there are a few basic things you should consider as you begin your practice.

Lawyer by Melinda Gimpell

In this article, we share with you 7 essential things every young lawyer should consider as they begin their practice regardless of their country of jurisdiction.

Let's get started

Practicing Law is Hard

Although law school teaches you the theoretical aspects of law, application in real-life situations can be challenging.

The law is complex and constantly requires you to keep learning new things.

Drafting Legal Documents by Graham

The worst part?

There are no shortcuts. You must take the time to follow developments in the law and to understand the way they affect your practice.

Your Right to Practice Comes With Obligations

Practicing law comes with rights and responsibilities. It is an offence for any person to engage in legal practice unless permitted to do so by an Act of law.

So, upon admission, you become subject to the rules of the profession and its disciplinary system designed to ensure that lawyers uphold professionalism in their practice.

Legal Statutes by Meyer

There are many obligations but the primary obligation is to put your duty to the court and to your client above your own personal interests.

Other obligations depend on the country you practice and can have dire consequences (like fine or suspension from the bar) if violated.

Absolute Honesty is Key

Honesty is a vital virtue in law administration. Lawyers are required to uphold high standards of honesty both towards the courts and towards their clients.

Dishonesty undermines justice and violates the fiduciary relationship between lawyers and clients.

Court Hammer by Bill Oxford

In Washington for example, Rule 8.4(c) of the D.C. Rules of Professional Conduct prohibits “conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit, or misrepresentation, conduct and omissions evincing “a lack of honesty, probity or integrity in principle” or “lack of fairness and straightforwardness.

Disciplinary sanctions for dishonesty “run the gamut from informal admonition to disbarment" (source). Dishonesty can be detrimental to your legal career and should be avoided in all instances.

You Reputation Matters … A lot!

Your reputation includes your professionalism, integrity, and overall character as a lawyer.

In most countries, a lawyer's reputation determines the amount of money billable per hour/client, the type of clients they deal with, and the level of respect you receive from people as well as your peers.

So, you should always act in ways that enhance your reputation.

Factors like dishonesty, unprofessional conduct, and incompetence erode your reputation and ultimately affects your practice.

Always Respect Your Seniors

In the profession, there's always someone who is better or more knowledgeable in something than you. As a junior lawyer, you should be courteous and respectful to your peers regardless of their rank or reputation. This includes the judges, fellow lawyers, and other people working within the profession.

For example, the English legal system requires all lawyers to treat senior counsels (lawyers with more experience) with dignity and respect (source).

You might feel like you deserve similar treatment but as a young lawyer, courtesy and respect helps you create meaningful relationships during your practice. Some notable ways of doing so is by addressing others calmly, politely and respectfully.

Always Remember You Are Not Alone

Law practice is challenging, dynamic, and extensive. It is impossible for you to know everything in the profession but you should not panic. There are many other lawyers who are better in certain aspects of the law who can help you if you encounter challenges.

You will always find people in the profession to turn to for advice and assistance on matters you are not well conversed about.


Being a Lawyer is a Privilege and a Great Job

Although challenging and demanding, legal practice can be very rewarding. According to the Bureau of Labor and Statistics (BLS), lawyers earn over $140,000 annually, which is more than double the average annual salary for all occupations.

So, if you do the right thing and offer your services professionally as a lawyer, the sky is the limit.

We hope our article helped and we wish you the best in your practice



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