Meta: Bees are beneficial to humans and to the environment. Getting rid of an unwanted colony can be difficult and poses many risks. How can you get rid of bees without killing them? and what is the best way to do it?
When disturbed or mishandled, bees cause sting injuries – some of which can be lethal. A report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that bee stings are occurring more frequently.

Then what’s the significance of getting rid of them naturally, without harming them? In this article, we share with you methods of getting rid of bees without killing them.
Why You Should Never Kill Bees
Global statistics show that the bee population is vanishing from the environment at a worrying rate. Causative factors include pollution, pesticides use, and infections.
These insects benefit the environment in many ways (including pollination, source of food, boosting biodiversity etc.) and should be allowed to thrive.
Albert Einstein famously said: “If bees disappeared off the face of the earth, man would only have four years left to live” – That’s a pretty good reason as to why you should aim to get rid of bees naturally.
Remember to always wear protective clothing like gloves or a bee suit when getting rid of bees. A colony of bees can be lethal, especially to people with bee sting allergies.
5 Effective Ways to Get Rid of Bees Without Killing Them
Is there a colony of unwanted bees in your house or backyard? There many ways of getting rid of these helpful pollinators without harming them. Some of the most effective ways include:
Smoke Them Out
Smoke is one of the most common, effective, and harmless ways of getting rid of bees.
Bees have a sensitive sense of smell. Smoke makes them sense a forest fire, which prompts the entire colony to leave and look for a new nest.
Smoking is also a safer way of getting rid of bees because smoke calms them.

Bee smokers are devices used to smoke bees. A conventional smoker is hand-held and comprises a lidded metal can, a spout, and a handle. You only need to light a fire inside the can using materials (like paper or wood) to generate smoke. Use a pump to blow air to the fire and to eject the smoke through the sprout.
One drawback of a conventional bee smoker is that fire must remain ignited for consistent smoke production. To address the shortcomings of conventional bee smokers, developers are currently designing a Portable Vapor Bee Smoker that uses a battery to burn a vapor-liquid to produce smoke.
Trap and Relocate Them
You can remove bees by trapping them in a safe box and relocating them to another place.
Apply something sticky like raw honey and lure the bees into the box with flowers or pollen
Place the box next to the bees’ nest and wait until they all inside the box.
Pick the box and transport it to a natural environment (e.g. the woods), and place it on a raised surface (e.g. a tree).
If you are unsure about relocating bees, seek help from a beekeeper or professional exterminator. This method works best in the morning or late afternoon when most bees are sleeping.
Use Bee-Repellant Solutions
Compounds like phenols, ketones, and aldehydes are effective bee-repellants. Research shows that when mixed with ethylene glycol and glycerol (sugar), these compounds turn into a bee-repellant solution, which is harmless to bees.
You can also use a homemade, natural repellant using material readily available at home. Some natural bee-repellants include liquid soap, garlic, peppermint, cinnamon, and cayenne pepper. In a bowl, mix considerable amounts of the compounds with water. Transfer the solution to a sprayer and spray it all over the hive/nest. The solution’s strong smell will force all bees to relocate.
Plant Bee-Repellant Plants
Some plants are natural bee-repellents. Anecdotal evidence exists that plants like marigold, eucalyptus, wormwood, lemongrass, tansy herb, calendula, pennyroyal herb, citronella, aloe vera, and pyrethrin repel bees and wasps.

Plant some of these herbs and flowers around the bees’ nest. Once fully grown, the odour they emit forces bees to relocate. It is a slow method of getting rid of bees but a very effective way of keeping bees out in the long-term.
Seek the Services of a Professional
Relocating bees safely can be difficult and risky. If you are not skilled or sure about bee relocation methods, hire exterminators to do the work for you. Do so if you also lack the necessary safety and relocation equipment for the job.
Hiring an exterminator might set you back a few bucks but you’ll get the job done quickly and without having to get involved.
Exterminators and professional beekeepers are skilled in handling and controlling bees without harming them.
How to Prevent Bees from Returning
After successfully getting rid of the bees, you need to put up measures to ensure that they don’t return or that a new colony does not form. How can you do this?
Remove All Honeycombs
When getting rid of the bees, make sure you remove all honeycombs inside the nest. Professional beekeepers recommend that bees are relocated together with a few honeycombs for sustenance. Make necessary repairs to eliminate any possible spots where bees might nest in future.
Spray Bee-Repellant Around Your Home
Spray organic or synthetic bee-repellant around your home. A repellant can be either a homemade solution or synthetic compounds we looked at earlier.
Grow Bee-Repellant Plants
Planting bee-repellant plants like marigold, eucalyptus, wormwood, lemongrass, tansy herb, calendula, pennyroyal herb, citronella, aloe vera, and pyrethrin helps you prevent another bee infestation around your home.
Get Rid of Pollinating Plants and Flowers
Flowers like roses, daisies, poppies, and other pollinating plants attract bees. To keep out bees from your home, you need to uproot plants all plants that pollinate or produce nectar. Alternatively, you can relocate them to an area where bees will not form a colony or nest.
Hire Exterminators Frequently
Maybe your bee problem is too much to handle; or, you don’t want to get rid of your beautiful flowers. Chances are you will always have bees around your home. You can keep them out of completely by hiring exterminators occasionally (every few months) to ensure you never experience the problem again.
Although bees are generally harmless when left undisturbed, they can pose risks especially in places where they are unwanted.
Since bees are very beneficial to humans and to the environment, it is important for them to thrive and grow. Most natural/harmless methods of getting rid of bees are easy and highly effective. It all depends on your preference.
You can safely get rid of unwanted bees by smoking, trapping and relocating, using bee-repellant solutions, growing bee-repellant plants, or through professional exterminators and beekeepers.