The existence of ancient findings is both captivating and informative. Archeological findings act as proof of how ancient humans survived and dealt with challenges.
Research shows that about 86% of the land in the world has been explored. This means there’s still roughly 12% of land on the planet that no human has set foot.
This leaves a lot of room for more discoveries that may amaze the world. The discoveries that have already been made are also quite amazing, and some bizarre.
From the infamous Nazca Lines in Peru to lost city of Atlantis, here are the ten most fascinating archeological findings the world over.
1. Qin Shi Huang's tomb, China
On 29 March 1974, in Shaanxi province, China, farmers digging water wells uncovered one of the most amazing discoveries of ancient China, the Terracotta Army (source).

These were ancient sculptures of the armies of Qin Shi Huang (259 B.C. – 210 B.C.), the first Emperor of China. The figures date back from the third century BCE and still remain a mystery to many. It is believed that the idea behind it was to protect the emperor in his afterlife.
The Emperors actual burial site still remains unknown. A pyramid-shaped mausoleum located a few miles from the terracotta army site is believed to be the emperor’s tomb. However, it still remains un-explored and no one knows whether it contains the emperor’s remains.
2. Cleopatra’s Tomb, Egypt
One of the most captivating love stories in Ancient Egypt was the love triangle and romance amongst Cleopatra, Marc Anthony and Julius Caesar. Cleopatra was amongst the final rulers from the Ptolemies, who reigned between 305 and 30 B.C.

The love triangle led to Cleopatra siring children with both lovers. She was also known as an intelligent and cunning woman of her time. Although a lot is known about her during her hey-days, details about her death and burial site still remains unknown.
Archeologists believe that her burial site with Mark Anthony is located somewhere in Alexandria. There are fears however that the grave may have fallen victim to grave robbers and hopes of finding treasure and other ancient regalia are very low.
3. The Lost City of Atlantis
Another fascinating mythical discovery around the world, the Lost City of Atlantis was believed to be a throbbing metropolis that existed around 360 B.C. Although the actual location of the city has not been established, it is believed to have sunk off the coast of Greece around 10,000 years ago.

Other archeologists believe the city may have existed off the coast of either Cuba or Japan.
Atlantis is the brainchild of the Greek philosopher, Plato who believed that the city was located in the Atlantic Ocean beyond the strait of Gibraltar, which was referred to as the Pillars of Hercules.
4. Stonehenge, Wiltshire, England
This historic discovery in England remains as one of the most outstanding landmarks the world over. The Stonehenge is a series of megalithic stones believed to have been built 4,000 years ago and stills puzzles archeologists to date.

There is no factual evidence of the purpose of the monuments but archeologists believed it was erected as an astronomical observatory for religious purposes.
The accuracy of the monument is evidence of how capable the early humans were in relation to astronomy. It is one of the most visited monuments in the world, attracting religious groups like Wiccans, who hold festivals around it to celebrate solstice.
5. Nazca lines, Peru
Up until the 1920s and 30s, the Nazca lines of Peru were nothing but a mere geographic monument. After the 30s, an aerial view of the Peruvian geological master-piece was revealed from a commercial airplane. They are numerous geoglyphs etched into desert sands covering an area of about 1,000 sq. kilometers.

The geoglyphs contain over 300 different types of figures of both flora and fauna. They contain over 10,000 lines, stretching over 30 meters in width and over 9 kilometers in length. This makes the figures spectacular and clearly visible from the sky and hilltops around the area.
6. The Great Pyramids, Egypt
These are not only the most outstanding ancient discoveries in the world, they also form part of the eight wonders of the world. The pyramids of Giza date back a whopping 5,000 years ago and acted as a reverence and burial site of the pharaohs and their dignitaries.

A lot that has been discovered about the pyramids including its relation to the afterlife for the various dynasties that ruled ancient Egypt. They consist of a three pyramid complex with a large sphinx next to them.
The pyramids have been under study for a long time and archeologists are still discovering maze tunnels in search of the truth behind the construction of the gigantic monuments.
Researchers for example are still trying to establish how the pyramids were built considering that each block weighed close to 1000 pounds which no human is capable of carrying or even lifting.
7. Gobekli Tepe, Turkey
The Gobekli Tepe or Potbelly Hill is a series of monuments and historic habitation ground located in the South-eastern region of Turkey that dates back to the 10th millennium B.C. Archeologists believe the site to be one of the oldest, known religious and worship places in the World.

It is believed that the site that was a sanctuary frequented by nomadic communities in the region for religious purposes and not necessarily a settlement area. The site was first discovered by a survey team from Istanbul University and the University of Chicago in 1963.
8. The Ark of the Covenant
This amounts as one of the most puzzling mysteries in the archeological world. According to the book of Exodus in the Bible, it was a gold-encrusted monument that housed the original tablets that contained the Ten Commandments.

Its last known location is believed to be the First Temple in Jerusalem. After the invasion of the Babylonians under the rule of King Nebuchadnezzar, the whereabouts of the ark remain unknown till date.
Many ancient groups claim to be in possession of the Ark of the Covenant including the Lemba people of South Africa and Zimbabwe. The most accurate leads however point out to a monastery in Axum Ethiopia as the most probable location of the Ark.
9. Noah’s Ark, Turkey
The Biblical mega-boat purported to have saved Noah and his family is another mysterious discovery in the world of archeology. Though no concrete evidence has been produced to prove its existence,

Noah’s Ark is believed to have settled in Turkey. Archeologists however differ on the precise location. Some believe the Ark settled on Mount Tendürek in Eastern Turkey and others on Mount Ararat in Turkey.
10. The Lost Maya, Mexico
This is one of the most mysterious civilizations that inhabited Mexico and Northern parts of Central America.
The city is believed to have existed in the early 500A.D but was wiped out around A.D. 900. The site is one of the most fascinating discoveries of the 21st century.

It was discovered by a teenager in the Mexican wilderness. Experts however believe that the discovery was a hoax after satellite images showed human involvement on the site.
Nevertheless, the actual Mayan City is still believed to be in existence and the search for it has intensified in the recent past. Time will tell if the city was just a myth like the lost city of Atlantis.